linux: manage fonts
in this note, i’ll try to show how i manage fonts on my linux machine.
fontconfig is the system that controls fonts in linux machines. it includes the following programs:
fc-cache to maintain the fontconfig cache
fc-list to list installed fonts
fc-match to test the matching rules
fc-cat to dump the binary cache files in string form
check installed fonts
to check which font families installed on your machine run:
fc-list : family | sort | unique
download font file
to install the font on your linux system, you must first download either .otf or .ttf file. if you have a choice, try to download otf instead of ttf.[1]
manually install font
read the arch page first[2]
the following is a summary of above article.
for a single user installation, place your font file into:
if installing system-wide, place your font file into:
the result could be as follows:
finally update fontconfig cache w/:
delete font
TODO: finish the note later