in the name of god, the most beneficent, the most merciful

handling charity

TODO: this note is about to be translated into arabic

in today’s world there’re plenty of donating strategies to use. for now i will consider giving to a charity in terms of how much money to donate, and not who should be the recipient of them.

so, these strategies include: creating different calendars, including payments frequency, amounts of wealth to be given keeping in my mind different types of social classes, etc.

i encourage any people who give to a charity, no matter what the social class is. so it is comfortable to donate when you find yourself in the uppers levels of social classes, but what about those who are not, for being in the low social classes makes you to count every coin.

in my opinion, no matter what the social class is, the only donating strategy to work is percentage. thus giving a small defined fraction of all your earnings makes the situation even.

TODO: use katex or mathjax for math