in the name of god, the most beneficent, the most merciful

latex: fonts terminology

here i will try to describe some confusing terms i’ve used while setting up my latex document:

  • font sizes

  • font styles

  • font families

  • font typefaces

font sizes

in latex font size is declared by using special commands:

  • \small

  • \large

  • etc.

check out ref guide for a complete list

i also want to note that these commands are relative to the size set in document’s preamble

font styles

styles in latex are bold, italics, underlined, etc.

check out ref guide for a complete list

font families

a font family, or typeface, is a collection of characters that belong to one of the following groups:

  • serif

  • sans-serif

  • monospaced

for example, (1) times new roman is considered a serif font, (2) arial - sans-serif, and (3) courier - monospaced.

check out ref guide for a complete list


to stay consistent in configuring font settings i prefer the following workflow order:

family → style → size

i’ll explain what tex commands i use in another note later. see note #62.