data analysis

data analysis is just a tool that assists you in what you actually like

during my job search, w/ my little knowledge of excel, sql and python, i was looking for any position as a junior data analyst or anything alike.

one day, i’d tried it into an electrical construction company (they needed someone who just knows excel good), they’d agreed to give me a job position, but i’d refused back then due to the salary was very low, even though, the construction is what i like the most.

so the time went by, i’d been doing many data analysis assessment tests from recruiters from many industries: e-commerce, medicine, logistics. failing some and passing others, i realized that, being a data analyist requires you to dig into the field which is being analyzed - you’ve to learn intrinsics of the field to be able to create good reports, thus being a better data analyst.

given that, the question raised in my mind, whether i want to spend the time learning an industry that i don’t like. this is the question i think everyone should ask themselves before becoming a universal data analyst.

being a universal data analyst is like being a hitman. for a hitman no matter what the target is, he just executes. the same is true for a universal data analyst, no matter what the industry is, whenever he’s been offered a job position, he just executes.

information on the internet is growing fast everyday, so the information we need to analyze. in my opinion, data analysis is a tool that every person in the 21st century has to master. it is like being able to read a text at before-internet times. computer-assissted analysis of the data will help you to make proper decisions in our increasing-data-driven world.